Reiki Infused Weavings — Alana Yon Artist

Reiki Infused Weavings

Create an Intention for Your Weaving


Feel its Positive Energy.


What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese, energetic healing technique that is often associated with body work through hands-on and hands-off sessions with a Reiki practitioner. I have been using Reiki on my art since I was first attuned three years ago.

It’s fascinating when you consider how everything in our world vibrates. The objects and materials we interact with have their own frequency and are alive with energy and agency. 

The work I make holds the energy of Reiki. I infuse Reiki into my weavings in order to create a relationship between you and the weaving that positively affects your life. 

Reiki can only be used for good. So interacting with a Reiki infused weaving will only ever create positive experiences and results. The weaving can function for you in so many ways depending on what you want. 



One way that your weaving can function for you is by serving as a visual reminder of an aspect of your life that you want to focus on improving. You create a positive affirmation or a mantra that you want to embrace in your life, and, through habitual association, your brain connects the weaving to the mantra without even trying. 

Sacral Chakra Weaving

Mantra: I choose to feel my real needs and allow them to be fulfilled.



Another way your weaving can function for you is by automatically creating a positive feeling in your body when you look at it and are in the room with it. Studies have shown that it takes 40 days of consistently doing the same thing to develop a habit. 

In a little over a month of spending time with your weaving every day, using intention, focusing on your mantra, and feeling that mantra in your body, you can create a powerful, positive relationship with your weaving that makes you feel amazing.

Another way you can connect your body with the weaving is through choosing a specific color based on the Chakra System. Many of the Reiki infused weavings I make are based on the Chakra system. Each color is connected to a specific energy center in your body. Through habitual intention, you can unblock an energy center in your body that you consistently struggle with. 

For example, if you struggle with speaking up for yourself or using your voice to stand up for something you believe to be true, you can work with a Throat Chakra weaving that has been infused with Reiki. 


Intend for that weaving to represent this part of yourself, consistently associate your mantra with the weaving, feel the mantra in your body, specifically focus on that part of your body, and remember, this piece flows with the loving, healing energy of Reiki. Allow that energy to unblock your chakra and open it up so that the energy can flow through you, and you are able to positively use this energy center in your body and in your life.

How do I choose the right weaving for me?

You might be overwhelmed by the selection of weavings and all of the colors you can choose from. You can begin to narrow down your selection by deciding what Chakra you want to focus on. The Chakra system is a beautiful tool for understanding how energy lives and flows in your body. Each weaving focuses on a specific Chakra and it’s corresponding color through variations and subtleties in color.

What do I do with my weaving?

You can also hone in on the right weaving for you by thinking about the space in which you would hang this piece. I have created a FREE guide that goes through ways you can work with your weaving called Preparing for Your Artwork:  Before and After Your Piece Arrives in the Mail, and I send this guide to your email after you have selected and purchased your weaving. 

This guide helps you brainstorm your intention and mantra for your weaving and places you could hang it based on your intention as you wait for your weaving to arrive in the mail. It also helps you to think about how each space in your home, office, or business functions for you in order to choose the perfect place to hang your weaving.

In the guide, I also cover how you can experiment with your weaving after it arrives in the mail, different framing and hanging methods, as well as a note on using your weaving in altars. You have all of the support and tools you need to work with your weaving and allow the positive healing energy of Reiki to permeate through your space and affect your life in new and amazing ways.

Solar Plexus Chakra WeavingI am going to give you a personal example of how I have been using one of my Reiki infused weaving in my life this past year. This is the weaving I created for myself. The solar plexus is located in the soft spot beneath t…

Solar Plexus Chakra Weaving

I am going to give you a personal example of how I have been using one of my Reiki infused weaving in my life this past year. This is the weaving I created for myself. The solar plexus is located in the soft spot beneath the ribcage. You hold your confidence and self esteem here, as well as your resiliency and your courage.

My mantra: I honor the brave artist in me who is willing to make work and put it out in the world.

I experience light, love, and courage every time I look at this weaving.

As a result, I have made more work in the last few months than I did all last year, applied for multiple shows and grants, and started selling my Reiki infused weavings online so that I can help others through my work.